Thursday, February 24, 2011


Dear Shaitan,

I hope you're doing good. I've been trying my best to visit you often and spend time with you but, off-late I had been busy with various tasks. I also know that I don't have to justify myself for being this way, as you know me very well and that I don't do things just for the sake of it. Then why am I talking like this? It's something like - sometimes when so many things are on one's mind, he/she doesn't know what they are actually talking.
Anyway, what I want to tell you right now is that I'd be leaving home very soon and that thing is making me think, big time. One thought keeps worrying me- Whether am I fulfilling all that I am supposed to be doing, while being here? Or am I missing something? Will I go back to the U.S. and then suddenly think- Damn!!! I missed doing that/meeting that person! Everything has been going really well until now and I'm happy about it. But, like you know me, I'm a person who believes in my instincts. Seldom have my gut feelings proved me wrong and taking this into account, my guts slowly whisper in my ears, "Kamal, are you sure that you're not missing anything?". And it's from that I start to worry.
I really don't know how to deal with this and all that I am doing is that when I have such a conscious feeling, I tend to spend more time with myself and try to observe whether such feelings are showing me any visible signs in the material world. Sadly, I have not seen any till now. I also wonder, whether am I taking this overboard and thinking about something very trivial? Like as I previously mentioned, I don't know. I just hope like always, my instincts should never go wrong.
On the other side, I hate to use the clichéd phrase,"Time runs so fast". But, now it's actually happening with me too. Not that I have wasted all of it, but it's like a plane ready to take off. In order to get (the plane) airborne, you start at one end of the runway(time), and slowly pick up speed on the tarmac. What if you want to pick up someone just before take off? You cannot afford to slow down, if you had to, you wish you had a few more meters of runway. Now all I can do is, reach out my hand, hook them onto the plane. This is the same with me too, I obviously cannot ask for more time, but do whatever it takes with what I am left with.
I believe the analogy was too dramatic, just like in the movies. Whatever the case may be, that's my point. Hope I seriously stick to it.


*ála Fed-Ex (Federal Express); Self-Ex (Self Experss).

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Darl'n

The first time when I heard about you from people around me, never knew who you actually were. Then slowly I saw you every now and then and told to myself "stunning you are, wish you could be mine". Snap back to reality and there I was, at the same place before I slipped into wonderful thoughts which had nothing but you, only you.
But for a person like me who never believed in luck, it came; in abundance. And there you were, one faithful day, right on my lap. After that, I don't remember a single day where I have not woken up to look into your eyes, or fall asleep with you in my arms. I still remember touching you the first time- Smooth as silk, which made me feel my own skin to be an industrial grade abrasive paper. Careful was I, not to cause the slightest of discomfort to you. And then, I look into your eyes, never had I ever seen such brightness before. They were and are so bright that the rest seemed to be nothing more than unworthy. Highly intelligent you were and a jack ass was I. Like previously mentioned, stunning were you, so was your mind. Your thought process itself was far different than what I thought would be the same with the rest of your kind, but I was proved wrong. Graciously different were you having your own intricate way of approaching things. Seemingly impossible were you in the beginning, but as we got used to each other's company, I was and continue being simply amazed of how 'simply awesome' you are. A lil' more than a year has passed since we've first met and you still continue throwing surprises at me every now and then, which makes me think "I thought I knew everything about you".

Many a time I've heard from my friends that their respective interests have faded out from what they were before. But, you've never done this to me. How else can I say such a strong heart you have? All I can say that I'll take such good care of you like I always did and we shall see each other through thick and thin. I must say here that you must have got all these qualities from your mum. I have met her only a couple of times, but shall say without doubt that all that you have is a direct pass on from her. In this regard, I'd love to say that if not this life, I'll try hitting on her in the next!

Love you Darl'n, forever and ever.

Reality Check-:
Well, was trying my hand at the literal tool of 'Personification'. My darling here is my apple laptop, a 13'' MacPro. It was an unexpected gift from a cousin of mine and I'm kinda obsessed about her and each of the quality that I mentioned above was referring to it's body texture, LED screen, the Mac OS, battery life and the over all user interface. Now wondering who's it's mom is? It's the iMac. And not in the next life, but in this very own, my next desktop would be an iMac.